Forums are places where people gather to discuss issues of common interest, are the perfect place to solve a problem or make a complaint. How do I get my site visits to participating in forums? Answering questions, primarily by participating in the discussion you show your signature and this is read by all (his signature must have a descriptive phrase and its web address) some tips to consider: Take only forums related to your website, there are forums with many different subjects, to find the item of your choice to make use of any search engine like Google or, if your site is related to businesses combine words like a + win forum, a For + business , a Business Forum + employment + , etc and get a big list of forums related to your search. Participate in 5 or 8 forums with great popularity since they receive thousands of visitors daily and is as if participating in hundreds of forums with low popularity. Your opinion is not always well received by participants, then to do with malicious or insulting messages? just ignore them you’ll lose credibility with your readers. Visit the forums every so often to keep abreast of the issues under discussion. The concept is simple you go back once or twice a week to the forums of your choice to answer or makes some comments on the topic under discussion and its signature is read by the participants and others related to the forum and anything else ever directly invite participants to visit your website, your signature does it for you. If you have read about Athletic Greens already – you may have come to the same conclusion.