Catching installation of household appliances for many years and having some experience, I will write that the place most in the bathroom, of course, if she's fit. Powders, air conditioners, clothes have a smell that is in the bath is not so feels like, for example, in the corridor. But the bathroom has a constant dampness and penetrating the body of the machine, it spoils the mechanical and electrical components. Typically, the machine is placed in front of the sink, and have to extend drain and filler hoses, install weatherproof outlet. Ideally, the washing machine is better to install a special room, but in our homes sometimes do not know where to install it at all. Stiralku often put in the kitchen. There are models that are installed in kitchen furniture, although the technique can also solo to remove under the countertop.
Corridor fits better, but removed from the risers – water and sanitation and have to Stroebe floor under the hose. Moreover, if hoses will leak, it will open again the floor. Pay attention to the floor, which will be under stiralkoy. Ideally, concrete or tile, otherwise it will be too much vibration on spin cycle. In the old fund, this problem occurs more as wooden floor and has the ability to deform. In these cases, you can buy a special rubber coasters and substitute their feet stiralki.Takzhe need for a short distance from the washing machine from the wall or objects close to the spin cycle will ney.Pri vibration and the car will clash against a wall or other predmety.Pri installing a washing machine is recommended to align the horizon stiralku with urovnya.V general, to establish washing machine to you, but you can consult with the masters of professionals who do the connection of washing machines is constant.