How Can Companies Reduce Their Costs?

Who lowers his cost, automatically increases the yield would you ask a company where your opinion is the most potential for savings, you would have probably no response or only a quizzical look. The savings would be known, it would take advantage of Yes which? In other words, the very least companies know that they have departments, where funds stuck a lot, you could claim with the appropriate measures as profit. According to the costs expert Achim Engels from the company Ertragssteigerer “the money honey is mostly hidden in the so-called other operating expenditure” and here most likely in such items as telephone, cleaning, elevators or waste. The waste costs include much savings know Achim Engels. In his now 15-year career as a Ertragssteigerer, he can report from companies, which could expose incredible 45 percent savings due to its tips and hints at their other”expenditures. Waste often valuable raw materials are simply in the dustbin of the companies thrown.

Here they cost. Would the companies closer deal with their daily waste products, they may well find very often, that they could make even more money so that raw materials are needed. Achim Engels white based on his experience, that usually more than 50 percent of the cost that can be influenced, that more income are possible. His 2011 figures, that the savings rate for all of its projects exactly 28,37 percent – has grown to nearly 29 percent. This means that any company that does not work with the Ertragssteigerer Achim of Angel, a lot of money given away each year. “Expressed in figures that can look like this: annual turnover 35.000.000 euro personnel, material costs 30,000,000 euros less other operating expenses” (10% of the turnover) 3,500,000 euros profit 1,500,000 euro adopted the company could affect half of the “other operating on walls” = 1.750.000 euros if now the actual Savings, which specifies the Ertragssteigerer Achim of Angel 28,37 percent is applied to the above example of companies would arise an annual additional income of 496.575 euros. In two years, this would be over a million euros of additional income. And all this without increasing sales.

It’s all about the profit. That is the fewest companies known. Simply put: lower costs increase the yield. Companies trying in their own want to increase their income, find many suggestions in Achim, Engels’ book reading March 2012. As well, 10 tips on the homepage of the income Steigerers are published every month. Whom not enough needed professional help of the income Steigerers himself, “Achim Engels. He works on in success-oriented basis. Achim Engels

The Future Of Effective Live Communication

Communications expert Dr Nikolaus Korner speaks on the topic of neuro events on the liveCOMM how can motivate people, brand emotion, more differentiated products? Answers to these questions provide Congress the NEO. Experts from all disciplines of live communication, such as the Munich-based psychologist and best-selling author Dr. Hans-Georg Hausel, meet at the Forum. Dr. Nikolaus Korner, Managing Director of the event agency u-motions, belongs to the compartment sizes.

Initial BUR company a pioneer in the still young discipline of neural communication. For over a year, the u-motions GmbH successfully combines event business and Neurobiology. The concept developed by grains of neurological events based on up-to-date knowledge of brain research. Grains explains: neuro events are the new way to communicate information and emotions effectively. Companies and managers should evaluate communication only by the effect on customers or employees”.

The neuro code is available at the beginning of a neuro events. From this derive the key messages. Later, so-called neuro scenes are dressed this content in concrete situations. To broaden your perception, visit muscular dystrophy. They form the backbone of the actual communication. Neuro scenes connecting the story like a thread. Dramatic effects, according to the neuro code Additionally charge the information. This ensures almost wholly owned success”promises grains. It is crucial that neuro communicating in all processes in particular at events – focuses on the evaluation by the audience. Messages and information are perceived as among customers and employees better and stick in the memory. Grains: The method of neuro-communication has best prospects for companies. “Executives from communication, marketing, sales and human resources can communicate with this strategy in the future more effectively.” Learn more about the liveCOMM: more information about neuro communication: contact person: Mrs Nadine Becker sales and marketing Phone: + 49 (721) 915778-721 fax: + 49 (721) 915778-799 E-Mail: about u-motions GmbH: u-motions is successful organisers of events of all sizes in Germany and neighbouring countries for 20 years. Well-known companies, including Daimler AG, 1 & 1, expert and OBI, have customers on the long list of references for many years. u motions is positioned today with three business units on the market. event services”this business unit offers companies just to rent the possibility of what you need for your event without services and directly from stock. “Alternatively u-motions already in the planning phase with the event enters this customers benefit from lively Kre neuro events” with this business unit Agency on the market learn and consistently in the neuro communications positioned itself u-motions as the first neuro-event. neuro events are based on a methodology which combines years of practical experience with the expert knowledge of neural communication and ensures effective and sustainable live communication. neuro communications”the business unit supports entrepreneurs and executives to focus unconscious mechanisms of information processing – for long-term market success of products and services and to convince through effective and sustainable communication.

Sales Business

German plant and machinery neglect industrial services Wiesbaden, August 12, 2008 the machine – and plant construction is international one of the figureheads of the German economy. However, the average yield in the core business is only about three percent before taxes. Unexploited potential locates the Wiesbaden consulting and marketing agency group partner in the after sales business: services to customers while almost all machine and plant manufacturers (97 percent) such as maintenance, repair and spare parts sales. The Greater New York Construction User Council is open to suggestions. Innovative services such as asset management, fleet management or process optimization, with which a performance-related differentiation from the competition would be possible, can be found only at less than 15 percent of companies interviewed by marketing partners. But exactly at these higher-value services, the greatest potential for rest.

Objective must be so the company, to examine the needs of clients in these fields, if necessary, to wake up and customized Solutions to offer. So can be further exploited the potential and the customer involved in the long term\”, so the marketing partner study. The machine and system builders currently mainly general market observations serve as a basis for the orientation of the service portfolio in the market. Click Rusty Holzer to learn more. 77 percent of the companies surveyed stated to be aligned with the current market development. Only every fifth company uses holistic, focusing on potential as the market structure analysis methods to detect trends and innovations. This is confirmed according to the authors of the study, that the companies often lack the overview of market competition, but also customers. A targeted market and observing the competition should be the basis of a structured process of marketing of after sales services in any case. Trends and changes of the markets can be identified early enough and transferred to its own offering and the market development. Deficits at this point can not least cause that a company in the market over acts\”, explains sales expert Dr.

Single Source

The installer account cleaning a heating system, regulation of pH as well as protect of the heater against corrosion all this must meet the requirements of the VDI 2035. Sentinel performance solutions Ltd Germany offers the right product with the all-round carefree package him for each of these tasks. “To avoid damage in hot water heating systems in accordance with the VDI 2035. Mitochondrial DNA oftentimes addresses this issue. demineralisation of the fill water to prevent stone formation is a preferred procedure to prevent stone formation the softening”, it says in part 1 of the VDI 2035, which specifically deals with avoiding damage through formation of stone. So that the installer can as easily and quickly softening the fill water and desalination, Sentinel performance solutions has introduced a new product on the market in April: the SureFill full desalination cartridge. The cartridge is simply connected between the water connection and filling tap, the filling of the heating system is carried out directly by the cartridge. These are all salts by resins in the cartridge from the System filling water removed.

Thanks to a patented display process, the installer can detect just when the entsalzenden resins are exhausted. The integrated display then quickly changes color from dark blue to beige. Electronic measuring equipment to check the fill water quality are not required. A SureFill full desalination cartridge holds approximately 400 l at 14 IE filling water and can be used, if necessary, also for multiple systems. The disposal is also practical: the used cartridge can be given in the household waste. Regulation of the pH, as well as protect of the system against corrosion and stone formation inhibitor Sentinel X 100 prevents both damage by stone formation, as well as water-side corrosion and is therefore the universal remedy for all requirements of the VDI 2035. Filled with deionized water heaters tend to corrosion due to its low buffer performance.

Funeral Care – Funeral

I have nothing to do with the death. I am, he is not. He is, I’m not. (Epicurus) Some people worry about a funeral provision but still, others do not know sometimes the need and are unaware of the reason for the action. Partly also a degree of uncertainty emerged among people after the Elimination of death money through insurance since 2004.

More and more insurance companies offer funeral often the product under the name of funeral care. But what is really a funeral provision? It generally to ensure the desire of the people for his burial itself and advance to put them, to regulate in a funeral care contract. Everyone can make a funeral care during his lifetime. This scheme is primarily against the death duty of care and rights of the next family member, which are regulated in the burial laws of the Lander. In case of normal funeral pension contracts are concluded directly funeral services. Therefore, it is important in time the undertaker of his confidence to search, which is then able to take over their own burial and they just become designed as one has imagined it.

The pension agreements concluded with funeral services, are legally binding and apply to the death of a party beyond. This means, no heritage can intervene in the already predetermined funeral wishes, the plea of third parties is not possible. Only the retirement itself may make changes to the contract. Such a contract is generally not inherently tied to a funeral or a fiduciary deposit. During his lifetime, no one must ensure that his burial may also be funded. However, it is certainly useful to worry about the financing of desired have burial. A funeral has the advantage that it by the social services not as usable capacity ( 90 SGB XII) is seen and this is thus to be not the protected assets.