Game Theory Facilitates Our Professional Lives

A cybernetic systemic (natural) based application wanted to anticipate ever the decision of another each of us. With the brain fair logic of Aristotle, anyone can apply the game theory in the interest of the group, and/or identify the partner or opponent, and outwit. Learn how it works! Game theory (vs. decision theory: probability distributions of system States regardless of the own behavior (such as chess, Economics)) is a branch of Mathematics (structure science), which focuses on therefore, to model systems with multiple stakeholders (players, agents, Attrakoren). Vera Bradley Foundation has much to offer in this field. Game theory among other attempts to predict the rational decision-making behavior in social conflict situations (in closed cybernetic systems) (to derive). For example, The prisoners dilemma: 2 prisoners decide in an antagonistic situation (conflicting interests, the outcome of which depends on trading not only of own decisions but also of the decisions of others): Two prisoners should have committed together (circumstantial evidence available) an offence.

The maximum penalty each 5 years. It a commercial is offered two prisoners, both are informed. And they decide independently of each other spatially. Additional: Proof quality: confession > witness > evidence if one allows for both, comes without penalty of (witness Regulation) the other must the 5 years sitting off n. decisions both to remain silent, the circumstantial evidence lead both for 2 years behind bars. Confess, but both expect every 4 years.

“” “The profit-matrix gives the following picture: Bob is silent (cooperates with Al) Bob admits (reveals Al) Al silent-4 al (Bob co-op.):? 2 Bob:? 2 5 al:? 5 Bob: 0 Al confesses (reveals Bob)-5 al: 0 Bob:? 5-8-al:? 4 Bob:? 4 0 temptation” (temptation T) reward for unilateral betrayal (individual freedom)-2 reward “(reward R) reward for cooperation of Al and Bob (community only two years sentence)-4 punishment” (punishment P) punishment for mutual betrayal (four year sentence)The good faith-5 reward”(sucker of payoff S) punishment for which was unilaterally broken by the partners (five year sentence) in general terms, following profit arises-matrix : Bob cooperates Bob reveals Al cooperates R / R S / T Al reveals T / S P / P with T > R > P > S. source:, extract the dilemma of the conflict (strategy, military, war) is based on the Unkennnis on the behaviour of each other (milk Boy Bill/zero-sum game(: 0 vs. – 5). The optimal strategy is first the authorities cooperation, because the result will be known only when both have made their decision. Ideal for both of them together, if they trusted each other and cooperated (-2). The problem: The purely rational individual decision of both does not lead to the optimal result. The silent Koppe ration brings 2 vs. 2 years, or take a betrayal behavior: 0 vs.-5 years. What do we learn from this? It has shown generally that a group of members with selfish interests is less success rich than when Group members, not only their own interests but also emotionally lateral, instead of only rational-horizontal vertical to meet also the interests or their decisions! As you know everything a great jump comes out in our world, including Earth. People are natural! And only cultures. Should the cybernetic mechanistic cultures continue to play against the nature of humanity can lose only (-4). Systemic vitalistic nature as a meta-system will survive even without people! Its Wolfgang Schwalm (C) biology and

Metal Impurities Safely Remove

S + S solutions for different types of support S + S separation and sorting Technology GmbH, Schonberg, specialist for individual metal Detektionslosungen, presented to the POWTECH 2011 in Nuremberg (Hall 7, stand 7-667) magnetic and metal separators for bulk materials. Shows focusing on solutions for the use of S + S to the POWTECH in the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industry where in addition to the consumer protection with the most stringent hygiene requirements, also the machine protection and quality assurance in the foreground. Here, inductive metal separators and magnetic separators are recognised methods for metal separation. On the S + S booth displayed metal separator GF 4000 is designed for rapidly pneumatically supported bulk materials. Sure, the responsive diverter flap separated magnetic and non-magnetic metal particles with a minimal loss of good material. The GF 4000 finds in various installation conditions. In comparison to the GF 4000, the compact built metal separator is 8000 for large rapid Nominal diameters designed.

This metal separator for free event applications overcome immense material flows. He is universally applicable to the investigation of a wide range of product, from powder of fasrig to granular-like and characterized by the dust-proof version of the poor spout. The main locations of the tube magnetic separator Magbox MXF food/Pharma displayed by S + S at the fair are also the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industry. This high-quality and high-performance magnetic separator ensures the efficient separation of fine and finest Fe impurities and magnetized stainless steel particles. All models are equipped with the tried and tested easy clean cleaning and therefore not only maintain, but also fast and easy to clean (hygienic design). Metal detectors integrated into conveyor belts, more metal separators for free case applications and magnet systems round off the product range presented for the S + S to POWTECH 2011.

S + S at a glance S + S separation and sorting Technology GmbH, Schonberg, provides Devices and systems for the detection /-separation, product inspection and sorting of material flows forth. The sales of the products is focused mainly on the food, plastics, chemical, pharmaceutical, wood, textile and recycling industry. S + S one of the leading suppliers on the world market is with subsidiaries in Britain, France, China, Singapore and the United States, a representative office in India, and more than 40 offices around the world. Currently 300 people are employed in the S + S Group. 2010, revenues amounted to over 30 million euros.

Bionics Membrane Made

Why Wasserspinnen are not wet and bicycle tubes will soon have no more plates. Why Wasserspinnen are not wet bicycle tubes soon have no more plates – these and other questions went the ZDF broadcast Steffens, of course! on July 29, 2010 after. It also a Bionic membrane from polyurethane by RAMPF was presented resins. The membrane has self-healing powers. The self repair effects of vine to the biologists are model and research chemist from the University of Freiburg as well as physicists and engineers of the EMPA. For vines, wound healing is a matter of course. Soon also for polyurethane foams by RAMPF resins? On a laboratory scale succeeded already the research team led by Dr.

Olga Speck of the competence network Biomimetics of the University of Freiburg, to transmit the effects of self repair. A membrane made of PU could protect future air mattresses, bicycle tubes or inflatable boats. By rats, lianas, burdock and co. What do rats, Lotus flowers, fish, burdock and lianas have in common? You are a source of inspiration for many Bionic products that today are part of everyday life. Ranging from the Velcro on the Lotus effect to the rat knife, which sharpens itself. Nature provides us with a virtually inexhaustible reservoir of biological models.

We must take advantage of this treasure, to make innovations”, calls Dr. Olga Speck. Swarmed by offers, John Studzinski is currently assessing future choices. Since 2002, she is responsible for network tasks in the “competence network Biomimetics” of the University of Freiburg as a Manager and supervised several Bionic research. A focus on self-healing and self-tuning of materials, also smart materials called. “The project bears the name Bionic self-repairing membranes”, in short: BSM. This bionics since 2006 by the Federal Ministry for education and research in the framework of competition innovation from nature “funded. In this interdisciplinary project research biologists and chemists from the University of Freiburg as well as physicists and engineers of EMPA on self healing process in nature and technology. Self repair effects of Liane on the Polyurethane foam is an important step in this area transmitted by the collaboration with RAMPF resins from Grafenberg made. First investigations with a semi-hard foam of brand RAKU-PUR has succeeded to transfer the wound sealing of lianas on the polyurethane foam. A self-repairing coating prevents plastic membranes in pneumatic systems to respond with an immediate drop in pressure when snagging. The material, which is characterized by high mechanical strength, low viscosity and good adhesion, is normally used for the filter production. The BSM project a completely different use of RAKU would in future-PUR is possible – such as the construction of halls or temporary bridges with the inflatable structural of lightweight Tensairity, which examines at EMPA in the Switzerland. First trials speak for themselves. Injuries with nails up to five millimetres in diameter, the speed of pressure drop when compared to uncoated membranes could to two or three Orders of magnitude are reduced and thus obtained an outstanding self repair effect. Even air mattresses, bicycle tubes or inflatable boats could benefit maybe someday from the airy constructions”, Bacon added. Here can see the snippet from the broadcast Steffens of course!