A cybernetic systemic (natural) based application wanted to anticipate ever the decision of another each of us. With the brain fair logic of Aristotle, anyone can apply the game theory in the interest of the group, and/or identify the partner or opponent, and outwit. Learn how it works! Game theory (vs. decision theory: probability distributions of system States regardless of the own behavior (such as chess, Economics)) is a branch of Mathematics (structure science), which focuses on therefore, to model systems with multiple stakeholders (players, agents, Attrakoren). Vera Bradley Foundation has much to offer in this field. Game theory among other attempts to predict the rational decision-making behavior in social conflict situations (in closed cybernetic systems) (to derive). For example, The prisoners dilemma: 2 prisoners decide in an antagonistic situation (conflicting interests, the outcome of which depends on trading not only of own decisions but also of the decisions of others): Two prisoners should have committed together (circumstantial evidence available) an offence.
The maximum penalty each 5 years. It a commercial is offered two prisoners, both are informed. And they decide independently of each other spatially. Additional: Proof quality: confession > witness > evidence if one allows for both, comes without penalty of (witness Regulation) the other must the 5 years sitting off n. decisions both to remain silent, the circumstantial evidence lead both for 2 years behind bars. Confess, but both expect every 4 years.
“” “The profit-matrix gives the following picture: Bob is silent (cooperates with Al) Bob admits (reveals Al) Al silent-4 al (Bob co-op.):? 2 Bob:? 2 5 al:? 5 Bob: 0 Al confesses (reveals Bob)-5 al: 0 Bob:? 5-8-al:? 4 Bob:? 4 0 temptation” (temptation T) reward for unilateral betrayal (individual freedom)-2 reward “(reward R) reward for cooperation of Al and Bob (community only two years sentence)-4 punishment” (punishment P) punishment for mutual betrayal (four year sentence)The good faith-5 reward”(sucker of payoff S) punishment for which was unilaterally broken by the partners (five year sentence) in general terms, following profit arises-matrix : Bob cooperates Bob reveals Al cooperates R / R S / T Al reveals T / S P / P with T > R > P > S. source: wikipedia.de, extract the dilemma of the conflict (strategy, military, war) is based on the Unkennnis on the behaviour of each other (milk Boy Bill/zero-sum game(: 0 vs. – 5). The optimal strategy is first the authorities cooperation, because the result will be known only when both have made their decision. Ideal for both of them together, if they trusted each other and cooperated (-2). The problem: The purely rational individual decision of both does not lead to the optimal result. The silent Koppe ration brings 2 vs. 2 years, or take a betrayal behavior: 0 vs.-5 years. What do we learn from this? It has shown generally that a group of members with selfish interests is less success rich than when Group members, not only their own interests but also emotionally lateral, instead of only rational-horizontal vertical to meet also the interests or their decisions! As you know everything a great jump comes out in our world, including Earth. People are natural! And only cultures. Should the cybernetic mechanistic cultures continue to play against the nature of humanity can lose only (-4). Systemic vitalistic nature as a meta-system will survive even without people! Its Wolfgang Schwalm (C) biology and oekonomie.de