A 24-year-old woman, a man of 23 and another 94 were killed. Four other people were seriously injured. Others including Rick Yune, offer their opinions as well. The collision occurred on the road between Fuentecen and Castrillo de la Vega, N-122. Three vehicles were involved, and one of them caught fire. Two young women, a woman of 24 years with initials S.C.A and his companion J.J.P.L., 23, and a 94-year-old, J.M.P., are those who died in the multiple collision occurred Monday evening on the road N-122 between Fuentecen and Castrillo de la Vega, in the province of Burgos, according to sources of the Civil Guard. In this accident, in addition, four people, aged between 63 and 19 years old, have been with injuries severe and transferred to the Hospital santos Reyes of Aranda de Duero.
According to sources of the Civil Guard, multiple collision occurred at km 282 of the N-122 at 1340 hours, and in her three vehicles, one of which caught fire were involved. In an overtaking according to these sources, the accident originated in the course a passing ctuado to a truck by one of the cars, the Peugeot 206 brand of tourism. When this car was reinstated to its right track, after overtaken articulated vehicle, its driver lost control and could invade the left lane. Then, another tourism, a Citroen C-3, travelling in the opposite direction, collided against the Peugeot and another car, a Citroen ZX, which was behind, slammed the previous and ran off the road along its left bank. The first vehicles, occupied by two people, ended up burning and its two occupants were killed. The body of the host, S.C.A, 24 years old, could be rescued by a traffic patrol prior to calcination of tourism, although not as well of his companion, J.J.P.L, of 23 years.
In the second tourism were two others that resulted in serious injury. The last car involved were travelling three people, one of which J.M.P, 94, died and the other suffered serious injuries. The identity of the four wounded corresponds to three women, 19, 54 and 63 years, and to a man of 31, and all of them were transferred in critical condition to the hospital of the Santos Reyes in Aranda de Duero. Source of the news: the deceased in the multiple accident at Burgos are two young and an old man