Sport In Diabetes?

Ongoing quality of life worldwide more than 360 million people suffer diabetes. The statistics shall cover hundreds of thousands of new cases every year. As a serious metabolic disorder, diabetes affects the everyday life of the persons concerned and calls for the transition to a new life style. Very, especially active people suffer the strong cuts in the usual rhythm of the day. Since it seems nearly incompatible with diabetes to operate ambitious endurance sports.

But exactly this is possible with competent support, in-depth knowledge of the disease and a perfectly coordinated training. Not only sporting ambitions may be further gone after, the course of the disease can be positively affected. Diabetes also for runners must not be an obstacle. Diabetics at the sport must ensure In regard to the treatment of their disease, especially endurance sports, suitable for diabetics that the cardio vascular system as well as the train, such as E.g. jogging, Nordic walking, hiking or cycling. During intense exercise is for diabetics medical care or Vorabkonsultierung with their specialist essential.

The individual diabetes therapy must be adapted to the type and intensity of the sport. With the requirements of the different types of diabetes are mellitus. The two most common and best known forms are diabetes type 1 (about 5 percent) and diabetes type 2 (95%). Diabetes type 1 as in type 1 diabetes, the pancreas produces no insulin, they must inject the hormone. Sporting activity, the muscles but consume more sugar so the sprayed amount can be sometimes too much. In contrast to healthy athletes, where now less insulin is secreted, decreases blood sugar levels in type 1 diabetics. Depending on blood sugar values, which are measured before, during and after the training, they must therefore inject less insulin, eating more carbohydrates, or both, to prevent hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). The accurate adjustment for the respective values should be previously agreed with the doctor.

Biochemistry Minerals provides current information and products relating to the Schussler salts, biochemistry and homeopathy. The 12 working medium on were presented by the 8.12.-15.12. Since the 17 follow the 15 supplements. The 17 Schussler Salz supplements: Manganum sulfuricum scope Manganum sulfuricum is the salt of the energy. We find more but in liver and pancreas manganese anywhere in the body. Muscular dystrophy follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. It has a positive effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids, and cholesterol.

In addition, manganese sulfate reduces the secretion of histamine, which is partly responsible for the emergence of allergic processes (such as hay fever). The salt has a stimulating effect on the development of cartilage, muscles, connective tissue and bone. Manganum sulfuricum be used in hair and nail diseases, urinary tract infections, edema episodes by reworking and fatigue. It is used in conjunction with Ferrum phosphoricum (Schussler Salz No. 3) to the formation of blood.

Constitution type a lack Manganum Sulph recognisable by a pale, slightly yellowish complexion, as well as fatigue and scaly rashes. Manganum sulfuricum is 12-fold increases and is taken for internal use as a tablet. Official site: cancer research. Also there are ointments with Manganum sulfuricum, skin and nail diseases (eczema, etc.) as well as muscle complaints, use find. The 18 Schussler Salz – supplements: Calcium sulfuratum scope calcium sulfide is above all a detoxifier. It is used as an antidote in mercury and amalgam poisoning. In addition, calcium is applied sulfuratum respiratory diseases (bronchitis, asthma), strong skin diseases (no healing trend, sticky secretions) or purulent diseases (such as boils or hemorrhoids). Calcium sulfide helps unwanted weight loss despite appetite. Constitution type a weary look can be an early indicator of a need for calcium sulfuratum, as well as an unhealthy looking skin (cracks, slightly yellowish face, swollen upper lip). Dosage 12 x raised, SALVES for external help varicose veins, ulcers and poorly healing wounds. They are applied as tablets for inner healing. More information free of charge and non-binding on the contact: health basics GmbH & co.


Male fertility is poor according to statistical studies over seven percent of German men suffer from fertility problems. s. The few men know but, that something with their fertility. Once the desired pregnancy does not occur the first men make their thoughts. Even if one wishes now no children as a man, you should still care that the own sperm cells stay healthy. What does affect the fertility of the man? Environmental impact: Through the massive use of the contraceptive pill, more and more female hormones into the drinking water, which of course significantly degrades the fertility of the man. PCB also has negative impact on the fertility.

The influence of environmental toxins on the libido of the man is also a rather negative. Temperature: Not without reason the sperm production of the man outside his body takes place. A temperature of 33-35 degrees is ideal for the sperm cells of man. The temperature increased only minimally, this is a problem, because the Quality of the semen is changed to the negative. Sports: sports and physical fitness have a positive impact on the quality of male sperm. But it may not be exaggerated.This it should be only a normal exercise. Anyone who thinks his performance to must increase with hormone preparations, its fertility does nothing good. Sedentary is a problem: even long periods of sitting, as is for example the case with truckers, is on the fertility of the man’s detrimental.

Enjoy poisons, such as smoking, alcohol or drugs also change the quality of the semen. During ejaculation, the number of sperm and their motility decreases up to thirty percent. Even when a man, his weight has influence on its fertility. Being overweight or underweight, both has a negative impact on the fertility of the man

Risk Of Widespread Disease Diabetes

Natural resources, risk factors can positively affect diabetes Diabetes mellitus type II, the so called adult-onset diabetes, spreads inexorably in Germany. According to the German health report 2010 now around 12% of adult Germans are suffering from diabetes. As the name might allege, long not only old people. The Neuerkrankten are getting younger. Also the United Nations (UN) increasingly engaged in the issue and confirm, that the diabetes in the meantime dimensions that mellitus type II has assumed a pandemic.

That means nothing else than that across spreads the disease country and continent. Efficient prevention does so emergency, particularly in high-risk groups, such as people with obesity, high blood pressure, lipid disorders and elevated blood sugar levels. These risk factors increase the likelihood of not only to developing diabetes mellitus, but also for a number of diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke with responsible. What can you do to defuse the ticking time bomb and the diabetes and risk of attack to minimize? Clearly, it should reduce the number of risk factors. The main measures in this direction are to get the excess weight in the handle and if applicable, to quit themselves.

Alone these measures can reduce the increased risk of disease by around 20%. Cancer cells will not settle for partial explanations. But just as important is to get it before they are pathologically increased the risk factors of blood glucose and blood lipids in the handle and only medication can help. The modern research with micro-nutrients can help here. Risk factors such as cholesterol, triglycerides and elevated blood sugar can be addressed nutritionally today on evidence-based basis with simple means. For matching products are available in Germany as DiVitum and OmVitum. DiVitum is a supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of diabetes mellitus type II. It contains clinically documented Strength two natural ingredients (cinnamon extract and glucomannan), which regulate can affect the blood glucose and fat metabolism. OmVitum is a supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of arteriosclerosis (veins arteries) and contains linseed oil with high concentration of ALA. In modern research it was found that the daily intake of the essential omega-3 fatty acid ALA may significantly reduce the heart attack and stroke risk. Of all vegetable oils, flaxseed oil contains the most ALA. OmVitum as a one-month supply (PZN 4604189) or as a cheap and meaningful 3-month Pack (PZN 0262160) or 6-month Pack (PZN 0262177) DiVitum as a one-month supply (PZN 4604195), as well as in packs for 3 months (PZN 0247798) and 6 months (PZN 0250079) at pharmacies or directly at Navitum Pharma can be obtained free shipping. When via pharmacy should be pointed out, that the preparations because of the unique composition not by other, seemingly similar in the pharmacy stock products can be exchanged. Press contact: Navitum Pharma GmbH Dr. Gerhard Klages at the water tower 29 65207 Wiesbaden Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-9505753 E-Mail: Web:


I want a few thoughts about the importance of regular physical activity for the health and stress management to share. In fact, many people on physical activity, trust both sport and movement, for their commitment to the main stress management. This makes sense, but may be not enough for a complete stress-management program. First, let us discuss, play what role can the exercise in the management of stress. Changes to the body, the normal response to stress by stress in the skeletal muscles, especially those muscles that are used to to would fight or flee (see the first newsletter for the complete list of flight / combat response.) Some of their tension in these muscles will keep most people and can sleep, headaches, neck and back pain, narrow JAWS (and dental problems) to difficulties with and loss of concentration (communication, learning, performance, etc. (Similarly see: Preventive Medicine Research Institute). cause) of the body do want to run or to fight the stressor.Release physical activity by moving can stress that you may hold in these muscles. The motion can also help, to create awareness on these muscle groups and then use these muscles will work from some of the stored voltage.

Keep in mind: consciousness is the half Miete.Sollten you are aware of tensions and the specific muscle groups, you can this tension to solve. This is one reason that can massage, body work, or yoga to help in the relief of muscle tension. In addition to the awareness can fatigue the muscles and to compel physical activity, even healthy slimming to relax during your recovery time. In the active progressive relaxation, includes the tensing and releasing specific muscles to relax, the consciousness and the fatigue from this specific muscles can work together for the initial development of the relaxation. Edmund Jacobson, who first described the advantages of active progressive relaxation, believed that to create this awareness and then practice of the relaxation was more than just simple relaxation. He explained that “there is no place for a tense mind into a relaxed body.” This suggests that by relaxing the body to a relaxation would result in tense or anxious spirit.