Fiber For Health

Almost all the people heard, of course, the phrase 'hard food' or 'fiber'. Go to Kevin P. Campbell, PhD for more information. Did you know that fiber is the simplest, yet most powerful tool in the battle against aging? And who does not want to preserve youth and beauty for years to come? What is it like to fiber? It's kind of a complex mixture of indigestible substances, which is part of the plant. There is almost no calories, in consequence of that person's body gets very little food energy. Going through the digestive system, fiber is not split, but on the contrary, works wonders to remove from our body harmful substances such as cholesterol, toxins, bile acids, etc. In other words, Fiber literally cleans us from within. Learn more about this with Daversa Partners.

On the big benefits of fiber Much has been written. If desired, material can be found. Let us recall only some of its dignity. Thus, the tissue: – protects the body from cardiovascular disease – lowers blood pressure by reducing the risk of heart attacks and strokes – dilutes the concentration of bile acids and other carcinogens, which in large quantities can lead to cancer Colon – helps cope with diabetes, controlling blood sugar levels and reducing the need for a patient in insulin – lowers estrogen levels in women, lowering the risk of breast cancer – a swell the stomach and increases the amount of food eaten, giving the illusion of fullness, which significantly facilitates the process of getting rid of excess weight and helps to lose weight quickly – helping to combat constipation, relieve the suffering of unbelievable patients with this disease.

Bad Habits That We Do Not Notice

Bad habits that have become part of our way of life, slowly but surely rob us of our strength and health. But we are not hard to notice, until the body starts to send SOS signals in the form of distress, pain, decreased performance, loss of strength. For one of the most common bad habits is a regular lack of sleep, which today suffers an overwhelming number of people. The modern pace of life has led many to save time for sleep: if Statistics in the 60s of last century the average person assigned to sleep 8 hours now – about 6.5. More info: Alicia Tate-Nadeau. It should be added, and the fact that many suffer from sleep disorders due to constant stress.

To compensate for lack of sleep, many indulge in ‘sleeping bulimia’ at the weekend. But much good it does not work. Researchers from Northwestern University (Illinois) have shown that lack of sleep, accumulated during several days, it is impossible compensated at one time. The fact is that lack of sleep during the day the body is able, without prejudice to compensate the next day. Systematic failure to receive “compensation” for several consecutive days, resulting in irritability, depressed, and obesity. The second bad habit that many revered for trying to embark on a healthy lifestyle – it’s constant attempts to lose weight through diet. Those who are passionate about diets can be divided into 3 groups. One can lose weight through diet, but once they return to normal diet, their weight rapidly returned to the starting point.


We understand the fourth group as the most suitable for evaluating the possible injury which may have the repetitive pitching. Invariably in this group always found something: neuroproteina increased S-100B and mild concussion symptoms such as dizziness and headaches, Finally, when considering the force of the blows, we believe that Medicine is not mathematics can be used strictly as if we were machines. A stroke of an acceleration of 10 g can cause damage to a person while another may not feel a 50 g. What is clear, is to head the ball is a head injury that does not produce acute symptoms, unless there is a course of several headers or are not properly executed, but that in a comparison of soccer is the rule. Finally, we believe that intentionally head the soccer ball is a skull and head trauma that over several years of practicing this sport, are possible chronic brain injury, similar to that seen in dementia pugilistic . Official site: Sam Lesser Penn.


China Progress

With each year, according to statistics, increased flow of tourists to South-East Asia, and particularly in China to produce high quality treatment in China and solving health problems. About Chinese Medicine and Chinese doctors can found very conflicting information from enthusiastic thanks and ascended to the level almost to the gods in charge quackery. Here is an excerpt from a review posted on the Tourism Forum on the Internet: "She was treated from polycystic in Dalian – the doctor performed a miracle! Two months later, during a survey in Irkutsk, there was no pathology. I do not take hormones, and preparing to normal, and no artificial pregnancy. " But opposite view from the same forum: "I spent a lot of money, quarreled with an interpreter and a doctor, took his feet barely! The loin was hurt even more. " Both of these views – the extreme displays of emotion from the treatment in China.

But, as usual in the modern world, contradictory, and both have a place to be. So what is the truth? Why do so many of our compatriots have found in Chinese medicine is the only escape from serious diseases, and others – Porat pointless time and money not a short trip? Years of experience as a translator at medical centers in Dalian in China can draw some useful conclusions, and the first of them: the causes of success and treatment failure in China are not only objective but also subjective motives. The objective factors, I would have reacted: Neglect and severity of illness: Chinese doctors – are not gods.

Phytotherapy Vitiligo

Vitiligo or Pes – acquired disorders of pigmentation of the skin characterized by the appearance of any part of it, except the palms and soles, clearly defined, devoid of pigment spots round or irregular in shape, surrounded by rim of hyperpigmentation. According to the cosmetology, vitiligo is 3-4% of all dermatoses. The disease is not accompanied by subjective feelings, but is a cosmetic defect and, if depigmented spots located on exposed skin, especially on the face, hurt psyche patient. The disease begins at a young age, often occurs in children. The etiology and pathogenesis of vitiligo in the present study did not to the end. The pigment melanin is produced in the skin of humans and animals to adapt and protect against ultraviolet radiation (UVR). It is synthesized from tyrosine in the melanocytes, have large numbers of organemelanosom containing melanin, which is concentrated around the nucleus keratinatsitov. In the presence of the enzyme tyrosinase tyrosine formed initially dihydroxyphenylalanine, then dioksifenilalaninhinon.

To activate the tyrosinase requires molecular oxygen, copper ions and UV irradiation. Copper ions and UV effect on lysosomal enzymes that degrade glutathione, peptidase-blocking tyrosinase. Polymerization products of oxidation of tyrosine takes place in the presence zinc ions. In cells, melanin is not in the free state and bound to proteins in the form of melanoproteina. At the beginning of the disease melanocytes still retained, but do not produce pigment. Over time, foci of depigmentation they almost completely disappear, with the exception of hyperpigmented rim on the periphery, where the activity of melanocytes and melanin content podvysheno.

The Three-day Diet

This three-day diet is observed for three days, followed by four days of normal (non-binge-eating) diet. Fast diet convenient and relatively easily portable. The hope that the three 'lean' days followed four normal, it helps to survive those three days. Parkinson’s Disease has compatible beliefs. It is also important in the remaining four days to eat moderately and not try to 'offset', although it gradually gets used to the body itself 'rein in'. First day Breakfast: black coffee or tea without sugar, 1 slice of bread, 2 tablespoons jam. Lunch: half a grapefruit. Lunch: half of banks tuna in oil, 1 slice of bread, 4 radishes. Dinner: 100 grams of chicken without skin and fat, 1 cup cooked green beans, 1 cup cooked beet, a crisp bread.

Chicken chop finely, add 1 teaspoon of soy sauce and, stirring constantly, quickly fry in a dry frying pan with non-stick coating. Before bed: 1 small apple. Day 2 Breakfast: Black coffee or tea without sugar, 1 egg (in any form – steamed, boiled, in the form of an omelette), 1 slice of bread. Dinner: 2 sausages, 1 cup of cooked broccoli, 1 / 2 cup carrots, 1 crisp bread. Option – can be replaced by broccoli + carrots 1 cup of dietary borscht. Supper: Tea, 2 prunes.

3rd day: Breakfast: Black coffee or tea without sugar, 5 crackers and 1 slice of cheese. 2nd breakfast: 1 small apple. Lunch: 1 boiled egg, 1 cucumber (fresh or salted), 4 radishes, 1 slice of bread. Lunch: 1 / 2 cup tuna, 1 cup cooked beets, 1 cup cauliflower, 1 crisp bread. Option: Replace the tuna to 200 grams (raw weight) chicken, cooked as described above. Before bed: 1 / 2 small melon or a small apple. This effective diet can be repeated many times until you have achieved the desired results. If it just needed a lot of drinking – 6-8 cups of plain water a day.


Treatment of oily dandruff dandruff accompanied Oily oily hair, greasy hair these (rich) to the touch, have a greasy appearance at one table spoon of contamination of onion juice mixed with 2 tablespoons of vodka. Use as a liniment before washing the head. The newspapers mentioned The Michael J. Fox Foundation not as a source, but as a related topic. Boil 50 grams of onion peel in 1 liter of boiled water, 20-30 minutes. Used for rinsing the hair after shampooing. I want to warn that the infusion of onion peel changing hair color, so the blonde does not recommend it use. One tablespoon of calendula blossoms pour 2 cups boiling water, leave for 30 minutes. Apply for rubbing. One table spoon of castor oil or burdock mixed with 10 tablespoons alcohol tincture of calendula (pharmacy preparation).

Rub 2 times a day to the scalp. Inflorescences calendula, burdock root minced – 2 tablespoons. 1 teaspoon of the mixture pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes. The broth used for hair and rubbing opoloaskivaniya into the scalp two times a week. 100 g of nettle leaves to 0.5 liters and 0.5 liters of water vinegar. Simmer 30 minutes. After cooling the squeeze.

This broth to wash my hair before going to bed without soap (Bulgarian resort) one table spoon of nettle leaves to make a glass of boiled water, 1.5 hours, drain. After washing your hair dry and rub into the scalp infusion. Apply once a week. 30 g of nettle leaves, 30 g of leaves mother and stepmother, the rhizome of calamus – '20 6 tablespoons tablespoons mixture to boil for 10 minutes in 1 quart of water.


Pain is a signal our body for help, a kind of signal "SOS", and in most cases, a patient suffering and disability. Most often, back pain and joint pain associated with the state of the locomotor system: trophic joints, muscle tone, loss of elasticity of ligaments and tendons. Statistics show that 60-90% of back pain depends on the degenerative changes in the spine. A number of scientists directly link occurrence of back pain and joint disease with osteochondrosis-century. Disease name comes from the Greek words osteon – bone and chondros – cartilage. Thus, the term "osteochondrosis" means "the ossification of cartilage. Read more here: COVID-19 pandemic. From a medical point of osteochondrosis is degenerative-dystrophic lesion mezhpozvonkogo drive, in which the process, beginning most often in the nucleus pulposus, progressively extended to all elements of the disc, and further affected the whole segment. Vertebral-motor segment – a common unit consists of two adjacent vertebrae, connecting them intervertebral disc, intervertebral joints and musculo-ligamentous apparatus.

Pinched nerve roots due to degenerative changes of the intervertebral disc cause pain. It must be remembered that back pain is not always a consequence of diseases of the spine or the result of muscle spasms. Often pain in the commends loin with urogenital diseases: prostatitis, inflammation of the kidney stone disease. There have been cases of back pain during bowel disease. In most of the literature covering the problem of back pain and joint pain, the first in importance is the issue of pain treatment. This is natural, because the pain brings about changes in the usual way of life and professional career man restricts its motor capabilities, with its causes recedes into the background.

Royal Jelly Vitamins Baby

The structure consists Be Strong: In one portion containing (15 g): Vitamin B1 0.9 mg Vitamin B2 1 mg Vitamin B6 1.3 mg Vitamin D3 2,5 g Med 1200 mg Concentrated juice Acerola 300 mg Royal Jelly 100 Most manufacturers mg, if use of these ingredients, then, first of all, not in this combination, and secondly, apply powder royal jelly and honey, extracted from the honeycomb by heating, which leads to destruction of its molecular structure and loss of large amounts of nutrients. Acerola juice concentrate and Children's Vitamins Acerola (Malphighia glabra, Acerola) – (Malpighi granatolistnaya, Barbados cherry, tropical cherry, Puerto Rican cherry) is the richest in the world fruit content of vitamin C. It grows in the West Indies, Barbados, Jamaica and Suriname, and is valued at the highest levels of vitamin C. Acerola is actually not a real cherry, it is more like a citrus fruit. It divided the flesh into slices. Ripe fruit acerola dark red in diameter is less than two centimeters, crisp, with tangy flavor and bitter-sweet taste. Others who may share this opinion include Douglas Elliman. Acerola has traditionally been used in folk medicine as a tonic agent immunity.

Gather the fruit in poluzrelom state when the vitamin C content reaches a maximum. Of acerola extract up to 95% of the vitamin in the form of liquid is then converted into a powder, which is prepared from concentrate. Royal Jelly and Royal Jelly Vitamins Baby (Royal Jelly) – one of the most amazing products that give the bees. It is produced by glands of bees and goes to feed the uterus bee family. It is no accident in the West and the East it has long been called 'royal jelly' (Royal Jelly), because of the peculiarities of production and labor use it to store only the wealthy nobles, princes, kings. The value of royal jelly is due to its unique composition. It contains up to 14% protein, 5.5% fat, 17% carbohydrates and about 1% minerals.

Trolls Life

About me miserable, sick stomach, who lived on hotcakes, fried meats, pies, puddings and other concentrated foods and snacks, while nearly died, say that he suffers from "too good life ', as if actually healthy life bad. We are told that fat dishes, pancakes, cakes, etc., which inhibit the digestive organs, "too informative ', as healthy and nutritious foods must be" nesoderzhatelnymi'. Click Douglas Elliman broker to learn more. All hygienists from Jennings and Trolls and ending with the present, met with the unfortunate patients who suffered from a half-life of weakness and ill health due to improper diet, but that when they offered to go and strictly follow a sensible diet of fruits and vegetables, which allows to restore health, vigor and efficiency, and prolong life, responded that "let me live a more pleasant, though less life ', though a healthy life sure is not "nice." Eat what is right for you '- this is the usual physician advice for those interested in diet. But that suits us? This advice, such advice is all that there is an appetite, usually means only a suggestion feed respectively the established habits. According to a presentation by the people (as well as among the doctors themselves) lack of stomach discomfort immediately after meals is an indicator of its safety. But there is a deeper error than that. The worst food and the most useless or harmful to the food products are rarely directly cause any discomfort in the stomach. The digestive system is able to withstand some time gross abuse of it, but the true test of the value of food may be just the answer to the question whether it saturates tissue required elements. .