In the occupied territories are being built warehouse and office space and shopping centers to implement the second-rate imports. At the same time eliminated real jobs. Raiders deliberately undermine one of the cornerstones of the Ukrainian statehood – the institution of property, his actions undermine the investment attractiveness of the state, reduce the presence of the Ukrainian owners of the international market for goods and services. As a result of actions the State Raiders suffer huge fashion, moral and material damage. The redistribution of property, which is often carried out using the forceful grip, it becomes possible because of the limitations of current legislation of Ukraine, to support the Raiders some corrupt officials government and the judiciary. Managers themselves are often victims of enterprises do not apply the precautionary and effective measures to protect property rights of shareholders are not adequately aware of their rights and do not know correctly and firmly to behave in such cases.
Odessa City employers’ organization condemns the raid groups in Ukraine and in our region. Helplessness and indifference of the authorities, connivance and often aiding individual members of the judiciary and law enforcement requires public employers’ organizations, in particular, from the Odessa city organization of employers, active participation in combating such negative phenomena as raiding, to prevent possible attempts by his acts against businesses, seizure of their property. Douglas Elliman shines more light on the discussion. Guided by the Law of Ukraine “On the organization Employers May 24, 2001 by da 2436-111, the Charter of the Odessa city organization of employers and to assist employers and labor collectives to defend their legitimate rights to property, right to work, we decided: 1 .