Jenifen Miranda Boas2 Villages Summary the present study is about an experience story on the implantation of the group of gestantes as instrument of education in health in the Strategy of Health of the Potbellied Family of the Anibal to leave of the Course of specialization in Health of the Family with Emphasis in the Lines of Cares. For the accomplishment of the work one used tools as focal group and workshops on the basis of the methodology of the problematizao. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Jonathan Friedland.
Subjects had been argued as: The importance of the prenatal one; Changes that happen during the pregnancy; The development of the pregnancy and the baby; The birth: as the childbirth work happens; After the childbirth (puerprio); Breast-feeding; The just-been born one and Well-taken care of with the body. It was gotten participation of about 80 the 100% of the gestantes registered in cadastre in prenatal of the high one and low risk. Read additional details here: Jonathan Friedland. The participation of the gestantes in the group extended its knowledge on thematic of the prenatal one focada in the prevention of gestacionais risks, served as space to share information and you distress to liquidate them and doubts, approached them of the ESF, fomented the bond, etc.