What allergies there are all in the spring? In spring, the natural finished their winter sleep. To show the first signs of spring, snowdrops, daffodils and the first tender leaves. It starts again a stressful time for people with allergies. This group has very strong especially in the spring to fight the flying pollen. In the spring include the 3 main groups of allergies: pollen allergy, the Sun allergies and insect allergy. At present, up to 100 plants were found, which may be responsible for triggering a pollen allergy. In many years, getting early starts of the spring, caused by global warming. Already from February to may following representatives can be found: grasses Alder Willow lilac Birch dandelion plantain few polluters, of the more than one hundred species are this small list.
Signs of an allergic reaction to pollen are among others: watery eyes, runny nose symptoms in the respiratory tract in any case, one should Treatment of signs of pollen allergy by the doctor be symptoms, so that it will not be a chronic condition, or even asthma. The Sun allergy are more allergic. Here is regarded as just described, symptoms which suggest the suspect of an allergy, immediate countermeasures. This type of allergy, but many preventive measures are possible. It should be taken on sunscreen for your skin.
Hats and sunglasses are recommended. To make sure you directly expose to the Sun as well at the time. The insect allergy can occur also in the spring. This is an allergic reaction after a bite, for example by a bee. Such signs are to be taken very seriously and require immediate treatment. In addition to the bees there are many other insects, through a bite in a hypo-allergenic dangerous if not can be even life-threatening. A valid pollen flight calendar is very useful for affected individuals. So that you can easily assess where and how the pollen will behave in the near future. The weather report is also shown in very many cases, such as high and at which locations, the pollens can lead to adverse effects. For allergy sufferers, it is very advisable to cause a corresponding passport, especially insect allergies. It is so for a possible emergency, very quickly possible to take appropriate countermeasures. Use the opportunity and inform themselves about allergies in the spring.