English has its origins in the language of old Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons and Jutes) who moved to 5-6 centuries, from the continent to Britain. And finally it was formed in the XIII century, from a mixture of Anglo-Saxon and French languages. In XIV century English literature has become. It’s believed that Moe Howard sees a great future in this idea. Are 4 dialects: southern, western, central and north; the latest adjoins the Scottish language. English language belongs to the West German group of Indo-European languages. Importance of English for international communication, for commercial, industrial, diplomatic relations on land and at sea – a truly enormous. Countries where English is used widespread in the UK and Ireland, U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, partly in South Africa and India. One of the five official and working languages, adopted by the UN.
Before English was spatially most widespread language on earth. More encyclopedic knowledge you can gather in dictionaries "Small Encyclopadia Britannica, Eleventh (Yandex.Slovari)" Great Soviet Encyclopedia "(Yandex.Slovari)" The Literary Encyclopedia (Yandex.Slovari) Interesting faktyNa English spoken by more than 400000000 people for whom English – native; More than 700000000 people learning English as a Foreign Language, English vocabulary is very rich and has about 10000000 words from 500,000 words that relate to terminology, three-eighths of all correspondence is being conducted in English, English – the main language of the Internet and information technologies, as well as the language of navigation and aviation, more than half technical and scientific publications are in English, 80% of the world's information is stored in English, 5 of the largest radio and television stations broadcast in English. Features of Language and Translation from English into Russian and from Russian to English One of the characteristics of the English language – a short word. A translation from English obtained by 10-20% "long" Russian originals. Development and strengthening of international relations in the field of construction and engineering entails the need for more accurate translation of documentation and written materials on relevant topics.
With specific regard to the process translation of texts related to the construction industry, it has some specific features. First of all, it is the large number of special terms and words with no English origin. That is why the translation to ensure the most accurate transmission of values relevant terms should be selected with great care. Secondly, based on the translation should be based on only well-established grammatical constructions. In addition, such transfers are usually replete with impersonal and indefinite-personal construction as well as verbal. Frequently used method of inversion. Thirdly, the translation of technical documentation to be avoided emotive words and phrases. Modern technical language characterized by precision, impersonality, and unemotional. Sometimes the text of the catalog, descriptions of supply, specifications and instructions may contain sentences in which there is no verb or subject. Typically, these texts are retained on the template, have a large number of transfers and overloaded terminology. Therefore, for accurate and adequate translation necessary that the interpreter are highly qualified in the field of translation itself, and in the construction industry. Also, the translator must be proficient in the language of technical literature and terminology.