On The Road To Aachen – Shrine Pilgrimage 2014

What if… A mind game occasion how to on pilgrimage to Aachen, if one lives in Aachen? Healing feet! It has been not 200 miles through forest and meadow, over meadows and fields on the way to Santiago de Compostella. It is no more than twenty minutes to the old town and has arrived already at the destination. The feeling of grandeur of the place and the moment can not adapt so quickly, but it comes. At least feel at the opening of the Marie shrine comes up. Of the Tridentine Mass, which opened the shrine pilgrimage all faithful count the beats, the padlock smashed by the goldsmith in the presence of the Mayor and of the Bishop, and the small door opened. To read more click here: Chuck Carroll. Then they are taken out, one after the other the four sacred substances. Four packs, wrapped with silk and loops in different colors.

As much attention to the parcel. All seven years of the same procedure and all seven year the same perseverance of the things as It would be the first time. Why people flock for almost 700 years because these substances to Aachen? Thus, many know that it here is not original. They were studied and dated to the late Roman period. So but not as old as hoped. But not that is in the foreground of the relic worship, but their symbolism. The personal relationship with the Holy relics, to Christ, and last but not least to the faith stands in the foreground, and everyone is individual so.

For whatever reason you the relics approaches, if they are subsequently exhibited in showcases in the choir Hall of the Aachen Cathedral, you can feel the peculiarity of the moment. And some skeptics at the latest then ceases to smile. It gets to see not much: just the dress of the Virgin Mary hangs spread out and can be admired in all its glory.


Written by the Vatican tour guide co-authored with Rabbi Benjamin Blechem work entitled 'Sistine Secrets: Forbidden messages that Michelangelo left in the heart of the Vatican' stand For two Italian editions, and recently was first published in English. This book is the result of a six-year study, which Dolinera pushed the surprising discoveries made by him in 1999 when the chapel was opened after restoration. Two characters that were previously mistaken for the Greek 'Alpha' and 'Omega', turned out to be Hebrew letters, and the scene of the Last Judgement, which Michelangelo depict the altar, he found the figures of two Jews. Otkreschivayas attributed to him by the desire 'to cash in on the phenomenon of' The Da Vinci Code 'Roy Doliner said he had begun his research long before there was a book by Dan Brown, and at first was' the biggest skeptic in the world. " But gradually, "he Michelangelo 'began to convince him that he noticed the coincidence is not accidental. Doliner notes 'layering' of works of the Florentine master, which unites his genius with the genius of the Talmud. Michelangelo five centuries ago, 'Rome was trying to recall that Christ was a Jew and that at the heart of Christianity is Judaism ', while the Holy See tried very hard "to separate the two religions." As in Florence dominated opposite manners, in the position of the artist and was a political component. Moreover, Doliner convinced that the order for the chapel ceiling painting by Michelangelo began to offer that can not be to refuse: a more prestigious painting on the walls farmed out to other artists, and Michelangelo agreed only out of fear of Pope Julius ii, who was nicknamed 'formidable'.

Side murals dotted with hidden insults Address hated pontiff. According Dolinera, during my long creative life, Michelangelo had never used the services of female models and female figures he had never succeeded. All this, coupled showing sodomites, which, together with Dante appeared in the heavens on a fresco by Michelangelo, points out that Michelangelo was a homosexual. Through the efforts of the artist in the heart of the Catholic Church was a place and Jewish prophets and pagan Sibyl. Only with the help of sophisticated casuistry and some tweaks Michelangelo managed to avoid the papal wrath.

Link Farm

The theme of inbound links has gained notoriety and today all that we develop E-commerce activities we know that this is very important for the positioning of a website. By the way is very I lawful and legal, link to other pages, and so much so, that it has become a tool of certain and valid widely used that increases the popularity of your website from the search engines and get natural or organic positioning as it is called. But that is a farm of links? Also call (Link Farms), is basically a web site that contains many links and which has been created with the specific purpose which is the increase the PageRank of sites that placed their links. It is very important to know perfectly distinguish the difference which exists between these sites and the real genuine directories, and that latter have requested the inclusion of your site. I think that it doesn’t use this method (find links regardless as) to achieve better positioning, and less if you have to pay for the links; I recommend getting links from quality and this is a job that takes its time. Some say that if you do, Google will penalize you, but this is not true, at least Google penalized link farm; But if consultation with any professional serious webmaster, I will say that this form of search to improve the positioning is not recommended and much less if you want to have a formal web site and gain prestige.

As many of these sites are created by spammers, there’s something you should know, and is that you can have some drawbacks with this practice; as you have to register to enter and leave the site all your data, these, they are exploited to sell them to companies that, in turn, form juicy E-mail lists, which they also sell, everything is business as you can see. The truth is that you can so begin reaching your email box spam without knowing from where and in very numerous, with the logical discomfort and loss amount of time that this causes. do you have never offered lists with thousands of E-mail addresses for one few dollars? well I think that you understand me. In addition, as surely you do not you would like to integrate one of these lists, it nor interested in buying them. Finally: The important thing is that you must not confuse you, reciprocal links are, as I said, lawful and is of great value that you have them on your web site, but it’s just a way more improve the positioning, is not the only. What is real is that everything gets working, directories, publishing articles, creating interesting content, posting on blogs, participating in forums, etc., etc. Finally, the Link Farm are considered a form of Spam by search engines, simply avoid them. Lots of luck!