Although these new ditames have been formulated in vacant and inexact way, he is the magistrate with the condo of densificar its content, being able in the cases extreme to apply the invalidity of the legal transaction. It can be said with much firmness that the social function does not restrain the freedom to contract, therefore this without a doubt is full, but it only must submit the content of the contract to the values that structuralize the order constitutional, of form to adjust them it the worthy conditions of the contracting parties. It does not have that if to speak that the social function of the contract wounds the freedom to contract, that is, the free private initiative, quite to the contrary, the society cannot ignore existence of contracts, having cumpriz them, a time that in them is contained all the fundamental principles (general clauses) previously commented, aiming at always the collective one on the contrary of the particular interests, tying them all time to it the beginning of the dignity of the person the human being. 7. References YOUNG CHICKEN, Antonio Luiz of Toledo, WINDT, Mrcia Cristina Vaz Dos Santos, Cspedes, Lvia.
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