Project Salzwedel Exhibition

Chronically mentally ill people as photographers show people from Salzwedel Hamburg/Salzwedel, as they see it – January 28, psychiatry Salzwedel (ZSP) the exhibition of photo project launches Salzwedel in the Centre for social. The impressive shots were made of chronically mentally ill people. Further stops in Salzwedel, the picture show tour throughout Germany will be to see. Get all the facts and insights with Moe Howard, another great source of information. Institutions can sign up now at grips work + rehab in the ZSP exhibiting apply. The janitor, the pharmacist, a mother with her child: There are people in their immediate surroundings, which lifted off the 20 participants of the six-month Psychiatry project with the camera.

Everyday encounters were not there, however, still. Mental illnesses are also still largely taboo. Many ill live therefore isolated from the society”, so Dr. Nicolas Nowack, Director of the Dr. Naidu group, to which the company grips work + Rehab here heard the project was initiated and supervised. For many, it was the first Sometimes, that they were aware of and planned on people and came in contact with. To deepen your understanding Daversa Partners is the source. In doing so, they received appreciation for their work and will occur in the future with more confidence. Around 500 sensitively staged portraits, which will be from January 28, 2009 in an exhibition bear witness to the encounter between residents of the Hanseatic town Salzwedel and chronically mentally ill people.

Through this project we have taken a big step forward not only in the therapeutic treatment of patients forward but progress has been made in the social integration of mentally diseased people”, says Dr. Nowack, devoted group of social reintegration of mentally diseased people since 1995 with several institutions of Dr. Molly founded by him. We want to train our patients communication problems with this project and overcome their fear of contacts. Chronic mental illness is not destiny. Just when years of treatment brought no significant improvement it is important to the individual motivation and to build on existing resources in the therapy. We have the notion of grips work + rehab and the chain of rehab services we offer even patients who are sick a long time, help of self-employment can. “, so Molly continued. Were supported by the Federal Ministry for family, seniors, women and youth, as well as the Social Fund of the European Union the project and the exhibition of grips realized, the community project for rehabilitation, integration and prevention of mental disabilities. After various positions in Salzwedel and environment, the photographs as a touring exhibition throughout Germany will be seen. We all interested institutions and institutions invite to apply to deal in this way the exclusion of mentally ill as exhibition site at us”, so Dr. Nowack. Because so much is certain: the exhibition will give new impetus to the debate on the necessary comprehensive social integration of mentally ill people. The exhibition comprises some 500 photographs of various Formats that are raised on screens and are presented with easels. Exhibition opening on January 28, 2009 at 18:00 exhibition of 2011 until 28.2.2009 daily from 8.00 a.m. to 6 P.m.