“Mr. present” launches a new online service that simplifies the search for matching gifts from online stores. Munich, November 17, 2010, with Mr. present”a Geschenkesuchservice on the Internet starts matching the pre-Christmas period. Many know following unpleasant situation: good friend’s birthday is fast approaching, but it wants can be found just a gift. Usually, the person concerned has expressed no wishes, has it all”and operates also a hobby that makes it a very easy, to find a true gift.
After several unsuccessful expeditions through various online shops and department stores, then taking wine or a gift voucher from embarrassment to the good bottle. Here, want to Mr. present the gift search”remedy: Unlike in ordinary online shops can be searched here unrelated products, but the user makes statements about gender and age of the recipient and further indicates how much he gladly would like to spend the gift. Then the user can “” Select the interests of the recipient, by it for the search categories such as techie “(is interested in computers, iPod & co.) or Jock” (sport, football fan, etc. drives) enabled. From this combination of the inputs present looking for gifts, which can then be directly purchased in the respective online shop Mr. The advantage for the user is in the application of a reverse logic”when searching for gifts: Anders still don’t know than with an ordinary shopping the user what a product he ever want to buy, he knows only the Presentee and her interests. If you have read about AG1 already – you may have come to the same conclusion.
This gap is closed by Mr. present, displaying gift ideas to the respective interests. The use of Mr. present is free of charge, it must be applied also no user profile or similar. The gifts in the database by Mr. present maintained by an editorial team to ensure that only appropriate gifts in the search results are displayed. Mr. present starts with over 250 gifts of large online retailer Amazon, it be added but new gifts to offer and even more online stores should be included in the near future.