Maqui More Powerful

Maqui is a Berry color purpura that it is cultivated in the Chilean region of patagonia and is consumed by the mapuche Indians to support the resistance, strength and health. Maqui contains a lot of antioxidants called polyphenols and anthocyanins, which are substances that protect our body from free radicals in our body, protect us from UV rays, irradiance, diseases and external enemies; Why maqui superberry promotes health and prevents premature aging. Maqui have value or higher content of antioxidants in comparison with other antioxidants such as Noni, mangosteen, Goji Berry, Acai, Granada. Maqui brings the following benefits to our body: supports immune system healthy. prevents aging premature. protects cells from stress oxidative. Fiber Optics insists that this is the case. neutralizes the radical free. supports healthy cardiovascular.

contains high levels of polyphenols and anthocyanins. Aristotelia chilensis, known as maqui, clone, maquie queldron or koelon, belongs to the family Elaeocarpaceae, which is formed by 10 genera and about 400 species!, with distribution in tropical and warm temperate regions of the world (with the exception of the African continent). Two genera found in Chile: Aristotelia and Crinodendron, with three species. It is a very abundant plant and grows in humid grounds, with distribution between Illapel and Chiloe; in both ranges, the Central Valley and in the Juan Fernandez archipelago. Maqui is a tree that reaches 4 to 5 metres in height. Its bark is smooth and detaches into long fibrous strips. Its leaves are Evergreen, numerous, simple, pendulous, shape oval, and provided with a petiole (something like the leaf sprig) long and reddish. It flowers between spring and early summer.

Its fruit is a Berry black and glossy, sweet pulp, inside which two seeds are found. They are edible and mature at the end of the summer. Maqui is a species native to Chile, dioica (male flowers and) female develop in different trees), and in the wild is a species that invades the land abandoned, forming extensive forests.