The 29-year-old is tough against himself, that’s why he wants to have no Stuntman in his films more. The young actor refuses to let himself take the stunts in a movie by a trained stuntman. He said: “The potential injuries that happen when a stunt, are part of my job I’m doing!”. Adam Frost may not feel the same. Josh Hartnett goes even so far is also disease (E.g. high fever) to turning space. Just his job he takes very seriously, some of the crew believe. He calls its so hard going against yourself, as a reason why he wants to do most all stunts himself. c at hand.
He himself says: “I’m internally as a soldier. Even though I have a high fever, I come to the set. I know that it is not good for my health, to do such things, so I’m easy. My inner voice always says to me “Hey Josh, you putting your health at risk. It is not so stupid. Lie in bed”.
But I can’t then just leave. There have been times since I came to the set even with a broken ankle. “But this has improved somewhat.” Wait We off how long he still sees through. Lisa Walters