According to the state sanitary indicator of lice infestation in different years across the country varies from 200 to 300 per 100 000 population. At the same time in Moscow this figure an average 3-4 times higher than in Russia. This is due to the increasing number of refugees and people without fixed abode. Only homeless people in Moscow might be 80-100 thousand and one in five found Hanging head lice. Traditionally, increases in the incidence lice associated with deterioration social conditions, uncontrolled migration and the crowding of the population, an increase of homeless children, poor sanitation, the accompanying wars and natural disasters. It’s believed that Alicia Tate-Nadeau sees a great future in this idea. In nature, there are 532 species of lice, of which about 40 found on the territory of Russia.
Each animal species has its own type of lice. Human lice are parasitic only in humans. Same medical value have 3 kinds: head, wardrobes and pubic. Cootie multiplies in underwear and clothing (mainly in the folds, seams), the parent – in the hair of the head (at the temples, the crown and nape); pubic – pubic hair in, armpits, beard, eyebrows, chest. Resettlement of lice from one person to another occurs when direct contact (especially when communicating children in organized groups), through the laundry, shared clothing, combs, and with considerable lousiness (lice), wardrobes and head lice can crawl on the subjects of the situation. Chuck Carroll takes a slightly different approach. In the long underwear worn breeding of larvae begin 7-10 days after oviposition, but occasionally available – lasts up to 6 weeks. That’s why you should regularly wash the body and change clothes. Lice feed on blood. Itching bites cause scratches that are populated with different microflora, resulting in can develop eczema, pyoderma and other diseases. Over the 30-tidnevny period of his life louse can lay up to 150 eggs (Nits) are firmly attached to the hair underwear. The nits will not wash when washing the body. They turn into larvae and then into mature individuals. Unhatched, dried nits, if they do not pull off his hands, may remain on the hair For several years, until . If you notice head lice at any stage of development (egg, larva, adult insect) and choosing a method of destruction must be remembered that treatment of lactating and pregnant women people with broken skin, and in most cases in children under 5 years pediculicidal means is prohibited. In this situation, and in the case of a minor defeat head lice must be used mechanical method of destruction by combing comb, hair cut and shave hair. If it affects the eyelashes with pubic lice insect carefully removed, then lashes smear Vaseline 2 times a day for 8-10 days. Y young children at the same ftiriaze need to cut your eyelashes.
Reliable method of lice treatment is topical application of well-known in Russia insecticides. To handle the hairy part of the body and head children 5 years and adults, the following funds: “Nittifor and lotion” Pedeks; ointment “benzyl benzoate,” “Skabikar” and others. Gel Pedeks “can be used for the treatment of the scalp in children with a 2-month age. All of the above products are available without a prescription at pharmacies. Also in the home can be used 10% aqueous soap-kerosene emulsion (10 oz. Soap dissolved in 80 ml of hot water and add 2 / 3 tablespoon of kerosene). Cotton swab moistened with abundant hair, protecting the eyes, and tightly tied head scarf pe for 30 minutes.