provides current information and products relating to the Schussler salts, biochemistry and homeopathy. The 12 working medium on were presented by the 8.12.-15.12. Since the 17 follow the 15 supplements. The 17 Schussler Salz supplements: Manganum sulfuricum scope Manganum sulfuricum is the salt of the energy. We find more but in liver and pancreas manganese anywhere in the body. Muscular dystrophy follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. It has a positive effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids, and cholesterol.
In addition, manganese sulfate reduces the secretion of histamine, which is partly responsible for the emergence of allergic processes (such as hay fever). The salt has a stimulating effect on the development of cartilage, muscles, connective tissue and bone. Manganum sulfuricum be used in hair and nail diseases, urinary tract infections, edema episodes by reworking and fatigue. It is used in conjunction with Ferrum phosphoricum (Schussler Salz No. 3) to the formation of blood.
Constitution type a lack Manganum Sulph recognisable by a pale, slightly yellowish complexion, as well as fatigue and scaly rashes. Manganum sulfuricum is 12-fold increases and is taken for internal use as a tablet. Official site: cancer research. Also there are ointments with Manganum sulfuricum, skin and nail diseases (eczema, etc.) as well as muscle complaints, use find. The 18 Schussler Salz – supplements: Calcium sulfuratum scope calcium sulfide is above all a detoxifier. It is used as an antidote in mercury and amalgam poisoning. In addition, calcium is applied sulfuratum respiratory diseases (bronchitis, asthma), strong skin diseases (no healing trend, sticky secretions) or purulent diseases (such as boils or hemorrhoids). Calcium sulfide helps unwanted weight loss despite appetite. Constitution type a weary look can be an early indicator of a need for calcium sulfuratum, as well as an unhealthy looking skin (cracks, slightly yellowish face, swollen upper lip). Dosage 12 x raised, SALVES for external help varicose veins, ulcers and poorly healing wounds. They are applied as tablets for inner healing. More information free of charge and non-binding on the contact: health basics GmbH & co.