He is incredible but the mass media think that still Venezuela is full country of idiots, who do not read, and interpret the news as must be, but as they through the mediatic manipulation maintained always and maintain it as flag of their own interests and not of the group, always here handling the agreement news the interests of the owners of means and their businesses with the turn government, being placed and removing ministers according to its intentions, and great Example of it was so ominous called personage Marcel Granier, thanks to I finish and so it was the best Television of Venezuela, and this personage with his little democratic decisions, has a Guiness record, that I create is difficult to surpass, inasmuch as this liquid as much the Newspaper of Caracas and Ahora RCTV, that Venezuelan sadness as we felt that personages like these in our Country exist. Now with the exit to declare of the students, it has been tried to use like tribune, to invoke a freedom of expression, would want to know that freedom speaks, because in country where there is but freedom of expression calls Venezuela, where they have occurred the luxury to insult of all the forms and ways to the first magistrature of this Country, with 75% of mass media controlled by the opponents, are not necessary to make to do the impossible life to him to the President, those who they try to deceive is hour that is put to work by the mother country and lets the meanness to obtain that this full Venezuela of hope can follow like this obtaining itself afloat, lets work to the president and hopes until the 2021, to see if they manage to remove a personage who it manages I doubt them to represent with true dignity.
Unquestionably, I that always I have seen from the tribune, I have decided to declare through these letters after seeing to me, as much imbalance in the information, want that they say the truth, clear that there are problems in the country, and are a reality but the aim in this case does not justify to means, as so does not imply that at the time of transmitting the news it is the means that will be, this is made the tone yet mediatic that always characterized to him to means of information, to God I ask to him that every day stops as much mediatic touch, that it has taken they themselves to remain without followers, are less what they create to him, and that can be stated by tirajes whom before they had and now they do not have, say the truth, suddenly it can that manages to capture some followers of whom they have gone away to him, because it is enough with seeing the live and direct reality to unmask the lies invented by ominous personages of the media and industralists of means.. Get all the facts and insights with Cleveland Clinic, another great source of information. . .