I Am Not Retro

In the teaching of classes and seminars, I lean much on audiovisual media as efficient teaching resource in teaching, to be based on the perception of knowledge through the senses. Although during my professional life I’ve used tools such as the traditional Blackboard, flipchart, magnetic whiteboard, the franelografo, projector, etc., for ten years it deserves a prominent place the marriage of computer resources formed by laptop and the canon’s image, to the point that, sometimes, I wonder, what would become of me without them. Check out Sam Locke for additional information. The other day, reported me for next class, for logistical reasons and maintenance, unfortunately was not going to have the barrel and I was offered the possibility of traditional overhead projector tragame Earth! Now, what my God? For a moment I felt an orphan, disoriented and insecure. All a communicative technique based on power point, specific texts, videos, using the Excel live, Internet browsing, etc., that the canon connected with the laptop allows me to project students, is now crumbling. Seconds later, making of tripe heart, I select a group of abstracts and transparencies for print, but where is the acetate? I distorsiono the daily planner to search desperately for all Malaga, damn plastic. Finally I get the material and print transparencies. I came to the class and note disgruntled an appliance with giraffe, on top of a table. My stupidity didn’t just irritated looking for the ignition switch, extended to the sharpness of the image and, above all, continuous improper placement of the acetate in the Crystal, which obliged me to readjust chronically, causing fresh laughs from the audience.

I think that training session, was not so bad we laugh at least fairly. In short, an odyssey that I have to carefully analyse and reach conclusions. For example, try to always have an alternative plan, with very basics that is the issue that occupies us, not to lose the papers nor the ability to adapt, learn from the situation, laugh and have fun. Finally, using my respected Enrique in a drawing of his book teaching, learning and education in reference to the overhead projector, the following sentence: El profe is not retro, used the slides (drawing from the book by Henry). Manuel Velasco Carretero original author and source of the article

Translated Literature

What is the simple man in the street, meeting the need to transfer any securities from one language to another, or vice versa? Most often, he immediately begins to seek friends who will help him in this difficult matter. AND Yet at times your buddies who have studied foreign language in school or college, not quite aware that to solve such problems. Sometimes it happens the conditions under which you can not do without specialists. Then you come to the rescue different translation, but in front of you a question: in which of them go? Before selecting an agency to think about what type of translation you want. Almost any modern translation can make medical or legal translation of documents, but each of these types are characteristic properties and important moments. For example, technical translation is a detailed work on the texts technical nature.

This can be data sheets, a variety of technical certificates and other documentation, such as GOST, SNIP, or TU. The complexity of translating such texts are usually explained by the fact that they present an incredible number of terms and specific concepts, which at times complicates the understanding of the meaning. The professional staff translation agencies to easily cope with more complex tasks, because many years of experience in translation business – The highest quality guarantee. Another type of translation, which is in great demand in today's world – a legal interpretation. As the scope of its use of business papers and legal documents. Anyone who has ever faced legal papers, remember that they are written in obscure language, difficult for the unprepared person.

The man who does not have specific knowledge that does not possess terms, hardly able to competently translate documents this kind. Especially in those matters when it comes to translating the contract market, one must be very careful, because an accurate legal translation – is to ensure a good reputation, so, no qualified professionals do not handle it. In the moments when you want to translate medical or pharmaceutical documentation, instructions for medical equipment, or discharge from the medical history, use medical translation. Of course, when a text takes no expert, problems may arise in the explanation of the meaning or individual words. When it applies, for example, transfer of patient diagnosis or the possible side effects of medication, the importance of the question, and accordingly, responsibility for it, increases significantly. Trust important papers randomly translators or professional services – it's up to you, but when the conversation comes to complex documents, you should not rely on luck and look for cheap solutions. Be aware that in addition to performance, agencies will guarantee the transfer rate assignments, which usually is the undisputed advantage.

Sporting Goods

Approaching the New Year with a succession of winter and spring holidays. To many is the question: 'What to give? " It is generally accepted that the best gift is a book. Maybe 20 years ago, it was so. But now, when most engaged in sedentary work, with all its consequences. When the road home and at work is often half-time.

When there is no time to visit a fitness club or jogging to skiing, the best gift, probably should be considered a gift that gives a man what he needs – a movement exercise. You may want to visit Jessica Pels to increase your knowledge. That is a simulator. Gym Balls / Medicine Balls / fitbol used in physical therapy from the mid 50's years. Large, easy-ball develops coordination, strengthens the muscles of the body and trains the heart, respiratory system and the vestibular system, helps fight obesity, creates a fun atmosphere in the group classes. Recommended dimensions fitbol / fit ball depend on the growth of 45 cm to 152 cm less growth, 55 cm – from 152 cm to 165 cm, 65 cm – from 165 cm to 185 cm, 75 cm – from 185 cm to 202 cm in the absence of snow, keep 'winter' form can help you slide / sliding track the load on the same groups of muscles and joints, and skating and elliptical trainers – a kind of substitute skis.

Training on the elliptical trainer notable lack of impact loads on the joints, exercise is not only feet, but almost all the muscles of the body: the torso, the shoulder girdle. Depending on the program – usually have several, you can train the heart, or get rid of excess weight – 'to burn fat. " Training computers most modern cardio show that training time, distance, speed, calories burned, pulse, and specific to each cardio options. Modern, even the most simple clock Heart Rate Monitors are not only built-in alarm clock, stopwatch, show the time as a normal watch, but the current, average and maximum heart rate, lap time with average heart rate, heart rate as a percentage of prescribed heart rate zone, set limits of the pulse and are counting calories. Agree that a heart rate monitor, which is sometimes called the Pulse, heart rate monitor that performs time clock function and home medical assistant may be a good gift. Including the New Year. Symbolically presented in the New Year will begin counting the heart rate monitor sports a new, sporty time congratulations the owner of Pulse.

The Royal Academy

Distinguish "disease" of "being ill" placebo concept: according to Brody, is a change in health or physical condition of a person attributed to the symbolic impact of a given stimulus (Brody as limited to medicine: treatment or treatment situation). It is symbolic as well as by exclusion of biochemical, because it exists as a condition of consciousness to receive the stimulus, to attribute therapeutic value, and expect change. The placebo effect is a blind spot of modern medicine. The definition of the placebo effect is controversial: there is no sufficient logical consistency and lack of ambiguity, and therefore the most accepted definitions rest on pragmatic grounds. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. has much to offer in this field. The Royal Academy of Spanish Language defines it as "substance, the lack of therapeutic action, produces a healing effect on patients, if the recipient believes that such action actually has substance." But as we will not be reduced to substances, but denotes a procedure or component thereof (a physical act, a chemical, a verbal message, …) and on the other hand, if indeed produce a healing effect, how define it as having no therapeutic action?. Grunbaum has suggested possibly most accepted definition of placebo: would all the incidental factors of treatment with therapeutic effects in target symptom or disorder. Here, as incidental means uncharacteristic, not defined as belonging to an accepted theory is, the placebo would be any component of the therapeutic procedure used has some effect on the object of it, but that is different from the typical mechanisms scientists theorized and validated in that time are known and accepted for this therapeutic procedure. .

Real Estate

It seems as if those responsible for some real estate portals are afraid that their potential customers can have too much information. The fact is that this information is available on the net and just a simple Google search operation to find dozens of pages which describes, from multiple perspectives, the various steps and procedures when successful completion of the acquisition of a home in our country. y of information regarding this issue. Would not it be a sign of transparency include that information in their own real estate portals? Can not help generate a higher level of confidence that the promoter was first interested in your prospect has all the elements to be able to make a choice and purchasing decisions with greater knowledge?

Let us return to our original question: a website is one more office buildings, a shopping mall, and we must provide all resources, all necessary selling points not only to highlight the virtues of the product, but to help the potential buyer to tear down the multiple barriers that separate him from the house of your dreams: ignorance, mistrust, financing needs, the urgency of an educated decision based on knowing all the facts. Among the aspects related to procedures, could include information about benefits of segregation against the mortgage of the promoter to request a new mortgage, comparison of mortgages in Spain and in their own country, comparison of the cost of living for its country of origin: what will the purchasing power of their pensions, for example, steps and documents common in buying off plan, buy turnkey, second-hand housing, etc. and expenses rigged: notary, registration … Information about your rights: warranty periods, ability to claim repairs after delivery if you find deficiencies, guarantee deposits made on account, etc. Possibility to place his permanent home in Spain: voting rights, possibilities of starting a business in our country, the obligation to register the vehicle, medical rights, etc..

This is just a sampling rate information that a potential buyer of home abroad can sue when deciding to buy a house in Spain. The price level has reached the range of real estate in our country has slowed sales. The promoters focused on the sale of second homes do not compete with foreigners in their midst, but mainly with the emergence of new poles of attraction for real estate in other countries, enjoying the weather like in Spain, will represent in the future tough competition after reaching the political and social stability due to its lower operating real estate, its lowest price level and lower cost of living. In a greater degree of processing of information that is provided through the Internet may be the key to attract a clientele which is increasingly distrustful, demanding and uninformed.

Tanning The Natural Way

This is a call to everyone. Save your skin, now before it’s too late! Having a tan makes you look more healthy and beautiful. But how to do it without bad consequences? There are plenty of people who would like to have golden brown skin. Additional information is available at Sam Locke. There is a new view when people go to the beach to be almost naked in the sun just to get a tan equality. However, it is as safe to do just that because of the super harmful UV rays. Instead of getting just one gold skin perfectly, you could suffer a severe case of skin cancer later, too.

There are plenty of options in tanning today. More modern forms undergo medical treatment to acquire a sun less tanning. However, there are still some modern techniques that use radiation-powered machines of the skin to tan. And radiation is also bad for health. There are more techniques that could give a person a perfect tan.

But most of them cost as much because they are very specialized skills and reduce (or eliminate) the use of radiation or UV rays. But for the average person who wants to have a golden hue, it would be convenient to pay a lot to be desired golden skin healthy. There are ways to achieve a perfect tan without sun exposure and spend so much money on skin clinics. They are unwilling to use products that are safe to use and are inexpensive compared with the services offered at the clinics of the skin. a Here are some tips for a safe tan right, no sun and no cost at home. Remember that before applying sunless tanners, the body must first be thoroughly cleaned and exfoliated using sponge or soft cloth to clean dust and dead skin cells. Thus, even as insurance will be achieved. Quantity moderate use in the knees, elbows and other parts of thick skin, dry, as they will appear darker. Use a sponge brush, two to three inches in size, in the implementation of Tanner on the back. When applied in face, avoid spreading in and around the eyes. After application, wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. Use a makeup wedge to the application on the back of his hands in soft strokes, even as the feet and fingers. Apply sunscreen with horizontal and vertical strokes or circular motion. When using a spray tanner, avoid saturating it. Instead, spray quickly and thoroughly mix in a body part then do the same with the rest of the body. After ensuring that the tanner is applied evenly, wait about an hour before applying any moisturizer or foundation or go swimming or bathing. Furthermore, avoid contact with carpets, textiles, clothing and furniture. If necessary, and for a deep tan, repeat the process. A very important reminder for you: Stay away from the sun from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. That is when the sun is most harmful. Remember that those who wish beautiful skin is not simply an act of vanity. The skin care is also the care of their health. Sun protection is the most important gift we can give to your skin. Have a nice and safe tan, just right into your home without spending much.


We understand the fourth group as the most suitable for evaluating the possible injury which may have the repetitive pitching. Invariably in this group always found something: neuroproteina increased S-100B and mild concussion symptoms such as dizziness and headaches, Finally, when considering the force of the blows, we believe that Medicine is not mathematics can be used strictly as if we were machines. A stroke of an acceleration of 10 g can cause damage to a person while another may not feel a 50 g. What is clear, is to head the ball is a head injury that does not produce acute symptoms, unless there is a course of several headers or are not properly executed, but that in a comparison of soccer is the rule. Finally, we believe that intentionally head the soccer ball is a skull and head trauma that over several years of practicing this sport, are possible chronic brain injury, similar to that seen in dementia pugilistic . Official site: Sam Lesser Penn.


Smoking Cessation With Homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies support new plan on the way to the non-smoking new year: stop smoking. While seemingly almost without any problems and without any kind of tool succeeds in some people, it is difficult, however, very many others, to abandon the cigarette and are therefore frequently quite quickly relapse. Although this will decide success or failure probably first and foremost, a gentle can be found in the field of natural medicine”alternative to strong drugs that can provide helpful support: homeopathy. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr.. Homeopathic remedies can help possible withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, digestive disorders, nervousness, relieve irritability, fatigue and sleep disturbances during the weaning what makes it turn much easier, the urge to resist smoking. These withdrawal symptoms do not occur naturally in everyone in the same way and sometimes even no symptoms are perceived in many Cases they occur within most days after the last cigarette was smoked, one or two, subside but then quite quickly again and disappeared usually after two to three weeks completely. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Blimi Marcus. Generally less uncomfortable to make at this stage and at the same time not to cigarette access, there are many different tools in the right dosage normally have no side effects and can be used therefore almost without hesitation in homeopathy. However, if before getting a consultation with a therapist takes place anyway to vote, especially if parallel other medicines be taken. Homeopathic remedy for smoking a widely used tool in smoking cessation and right obvious if you cure similar with similar to the homeopathic principle “think tobacco is more accurate: the Virgin tobacco and Nicotiana tabacum.” This is indeed toxic as a stimulant in the long run and can be eaten to be even fatal in the Homeopathy, however, he used but during the cessation phase in diluted form in circulatory problems and nausea in principle exactly when the symptoms which have remained a still from the very first cigarette in memory.

Tabacum can also substitute”for the cigarette be inserted and thus to contribute that the concentration can be set more on the psychological component of smoking cessation. In addition to tobacco, there are other medicinal plants, supporting used in homeopathy in smoking cessation: Plantago major (also plantain), which has a calming and mood-brightening effect, reduce cravings and smoking cravings and can help with nerve pain. Piper methysticum (also noise pepper), a tool which physically and mentally relaxing effects and therefore psychological arousal, irritability, stress, dizziness, fatigue, depressive moods, is used for anxiety and tension, as well as other effects smoking withdrawal. Nux vomica (also Loganiaceae), generally Detoxicating effect, can alleviate strong irritability, nervousness and lack of sleep and helps all such complaints by too much”on smoking, eating, drinking etc. occur (E.g., headache, nausea, stomach pain, tremor). “Despite the normally quite gentle effect of these remedies is to keep in mind, that it naturally not a right” means on the way to the non-smoking. Which preparation or combination makes sense, depends always on the individual symptoms and can therefore be completely different from case to case. Nina rust

What Is Love?

Love is original, stock, the essence of all existence, all is love, and in love, everything is included. Rainer Sauer author Deus Homo / love love excerpts from the spiritual advisor and read book “Deus Homo”.Chapter: Love love is original, stock, the essence of all existence, all is love, and in love, everything is included. Love you can not make, learn, give or take, nor can you control them in any way. Thus, it is as source all of our symptoms and experience and in their capacity to be all existing ur-Grund to know as such. Everything that is, is originally born out of love and a potential encounter provides us with love, therefore also in the true encounter with her thus includes an experience of love. Willingness is the key word here, and opens the door to the theoretically any time-any experience of love for us, even if we in fact can force experiencing same this since our willingness not necessarily produces a direct contact to the love, but grants you only the possibility of the same. Ultimately we don’t, to determine when and how about how the experience of love for us to do, but it remains only indirectly to influence us, we are ready for experiencing or are ready for the experience of love. Even plastic to write around it, this willingness has an inner and an outer form. Alicia Tate-Nadeau often says this.

The inner shape is willfully and intentionally put our ideas, as this experience has to look. We can expose our demands, restrictions, rules and personal laws which we link directly to our image of love, as not conducive and from the realization, that these are not attributes of love and also do not belong to you, as not supporting classified and they be easy. In other words, we are ready to love us free unfolding can reveal by our expectations, to look like the whole thing has the braking, Effect to escape, be willing, without expectation of he-wait, wait for the experience of love so unconditionally. . It is not something Jessica Pels would like to discuss.

The Lumbago (lumbago) – Back Pain Symptoms, Therapy

The General, non-specific symptoms include back pain (lumbago) with restriction of movement of the lumbar spine and Muskelverspannunge. Treatment depends on the cause back pain and lumbago. Lumbago \”(lumbago) is an interesting word, but even the disease is less nice, since it is connected with stinging pain. This pain usually suddenly come if one performs a movement. The cross is affected. Thus arises a lumbago? The lumbago can be raised by simple movements.

You can immediately feel the back pain, they do not shine in the legs. If bends one or turns, something raises, again focused on, he can get this pain. There are still similar diseases that trigger also pain in the back, in the lower part. The same problems causing sciatica and lumbago. Who gets a lumbago, must expect that he can take about six weeks. The person concerned must now inevitably change his daily routine.

Everything, what he intended to do, is pushed away now. The sick can not move, how he want. He must be patient. A certain time passes, so the patient feels nothing more from the lumbago soon. A doctor knows the exact names of diseases of that are associated with the back pain causes of lumbago and symptoms. The pain can radiate into the leg or they can be spread only on the lower part of the back. Our body has several pain sensors. They are called even pain receptors. Any stimuli that arise will cause the activation of these receptors. You can feel the cold or heat, pressure, exposure to chemicals; pain-enhancing substances are formed. This pain stimuli play a major role. They are connected with central nervous systems. Through this, they come first in the spinal cord. But that is not the end of the line, they are still routed to the brain. There are several centres in the brain.