Japanese Organization

It is possible to be only 35% of the labour force of the Japan working under this approach in large companies and Government agencies. Employment of for life means that a major company or Government agency hires once a year, in the spring, when young people graduate from high school, high school and College, hiring a long list of rookies do not have work for them all immediately. Once employed, the new worker retains his job until his mandatory retirement at the age of 55. None of these will be fired to not sen that incurs a significant crime, company pays each one OJ them arriving at that age a juicy sum which normally amounts to five or six years of the value of his salary. However, there is no pension or social security. For the Japanese, the skill that is required to treat to the customers and family, is what the employee should learn to apply it with colleagues and co-workers. This talent for human relations, which has as a main figure to the supervisor, is vital in business type z.

decisions based on a process of evaluation and promotion. Part of the complexity of the characteristics of the Japanese Organization lies in the approaches adopted to the processes of evaluation and promotion, already quo until the employee not celebrates 10 years as a worker of the company, not will be evaluated in its function or will be promoted to any top post. Although this process seems at times too slow to ambitious young executives, he instead favors a very open attitude towards cooperation, performance and evaluation, since the system greatly favors the possibility of the actual level of performance to finally come to light.

Social Needs

Autism is a qualitative disorder related to alterations of the communication and language and a lack of mental flexibility and the behavior, that a degree of mental retardation can be joined. With regard to Mental retardation, is related to a general intellectual functioning below average, and that is associated with deficiencies in adaptive behavior. It is the result of how it works with their capabilities, more or less limited, in various contexts of everyday life. Criteria assessment of educational needs is obvious that the case students need a curricular adaptation due to their special educational needs, it does not mean that they should be excluded from the educational curricular proposal general, but that this must be the most appropriate taking into account their particular characteristics. Requires the establishment of procedures and evaluation criteria for determining their needs and, thus, to be able to give proper guidance to teachers with reference to the most suitable educational response for both. The purpose is therefore to identify these special needs to adjust the different components of the educational response.

In both cases, it will be necessary to perform a job with a multidisciplinary approach, which ensures that he is obtained relevant information from the elements present in the teaching-learning process. This contribution should help to identify the educational needs and be base for the proposed curriculum, personal services, which supports materials, preparation of teachers should ensure the participation of all actors involved in the educational process of children (school, family, social environment, professionals of health speech therapist, physiotherapist, social worker, psychotherapist, etc.-). The evaluation criteria should take into account the variables of the: student, school context and institutional, family context and Social. STUDENT know the particular conditions of the student which may affect the development process, delimiting with clearly their dysfunctional areas, and not based only on global evaluations: medical history, degree of development attained level cognitive, motor, affective, or personal balance of interpersonal relationship, of social inclusion.


Autism is a qualitative disorder related to alterations of the communication and language and a lack of mental flexibility and the behavior, that a degree of mental retardation can be joined. With regard to Mental retardation, is related to a general intellectual functioning below average, and that is associated with deficiencies in adaptive behavior. It is the result of how it works with their capabilities, more or less limited, in various contexts of everyday life. Criteria assessment of educational needs is obvious that the case students need a curricular adaptation due to their special educational needs, it does not mean that they should be excluded from the educational curricular proposal general, but that this must be the most appropriate taking into account their particular characteristics. Requires the establishment of procedures and evaluation criteria for determining their needs and, thus, to be able to give proper guidance to teachers with reference to the most suitable educational response for both. The purpose is therefore to identify these special needs to adjust the different components of the educational response. In both cases, it will be necessary to perform a job with a multidisciplinary approach, which ensures that he is obtained relevant information from the elements present in the teaching-learning process. This contribution should help to identify the educational needs and be the basis for the proposed curriculum, personal services, what materials, preparation of teachers supports…

You should ensure the participation of all actors involved in the educational process of children (school, family, social environment, professionals of health speech therapist, physiotherapist, social worker, psychotherapist, etc.-). The evaluation criteria should take into account the variables of the: student, school context and institutional, family context and Social. STUDENT know the particular conditions of the student which may affect the process of development, defining clearly their dysfunctional areas, and not based only on global evaluations: medical history, degree of development attained level cognitive, motor, affective, or personal balance of interpersonal relationship, of social inclusion. .